The Kitchen Shrink

The Kitchen Shrink
If your life’s a mess, your house could probably use a makeover, too.

“My kids smoke dope, my ex is one, I said ‘nope’ when I wanted to run…
Into your arms…And feel your lucky charms…” When did life become a country music song?

Probably when her best friend signed her up for the debut of the new reality TV show, The Kitchen Shrink, for the ultimate life and home makeover! Unable to squirm out of this“it will be fun” opportunity, Lisby Shaw tries to juggle her upstairs-behind-the-scenes-life with her downstairs-in-front-of-the-camera persona, where everything she says and does can and will be used against her. Hopefully, the show doesn’t find out about her fling with that hunky carpenter. Or that she and her friend smoked that hootch she found in her daughter’s room. Lisby cannot believe what a freak show her life has become.

At least no one knows about her crush on Sam, Sam, the Cameraman… Lisby tries to find her way as the TV cameras capture her every move, zooming in on fights with her kids, her ex, and featuring an extreme close-up as she becomes a jilted laughingstock on national TV. All is lost…or is it?

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