Oh, What Fun it is to Read . . . in a Chick Lit Giveaway!

posterOh, What Fun it is to Read . . . in a Chick Lit Giveawayyy!

Enter to win 29 autographed Chick Lit books from my friends and fellow Chick Lit Goddess Authors! One winner will be chosen on Christmas Eve!

Click on the Rafflecopter below to like one of the Facebook Author pages to enter — you can like as many author pages as you want for additional entries. (Please share the joy and tell your bookworm friends!)

Happy Holidays — Happy Reading!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

17 Reasons Why I Love Hallmark Channel Holiday Movies!

imagesOn the first day of holiday programming on the Hallmark Channel, my true love gave to me, my very own remote to the TV.

Laying his finger aside of his nose, he goes, “I’m off to watch football and drink beers,”  as I settle down for my long winter’s nap, sure to be filled with good cheers.

Each Hallmark movie fills me with glee, and will contain some version of reindeers, funny ears, a poor woman’s fears, switching gears, something bad she hears, could be threatening jeers, some jerk leers, a quick check in mirrors, as the big day nears, trickery and/or betrayal from peers, (by now my ass has doubled into rears), into the skids the plot steers, Oh, yes! There will be tears!

Le sigh . . . as happily-ever-after veers right on into “Happy New Year’s!”

If you haven’t DVRd a Hallmark Channel Holiday movie, we have nothing further to discuss.